Power Meter

This is the download page for Power Meter: a program developed to measure light intensity in experiments at undergraduate laboratories using an USB camera. The implementation of this program is described here.

Download Power Meter

Power Meter is avaliable for Linux® ia32 and x64 and Windows® 32 and 64.

Download the zip file containing the binaries below. There is no Windows® installer, just unpack ALL THE FILES in the Zip file to a local folder and run power-meter.exe.
In new versions of Windows® it is not posible to run the program from external drives (USB flash drive, USB hard disk...).

On Linux® if the program opens but doesn't find the webcam run the program with the folowing command:

LD_PRELOAD="/usr /lib /x86_ 64 -linux-gnu /libv4l /v4l1compat.so /usr /lib /x86_ 64- linux-gnu /libv4lconvert.so.0" ./power-meter

Replace the location of v4l1compat.so and libv4lconvert.so.0 to match your system. You can use the command locate to find were this files are.

File's hash:SHA1::.

6f54bf6352ad7f866 55b6e94663d257bb1bd237a powermeter-l32.zip
9c59bbc20f634cd8f1 e2f17109470b4e7d2bcc6f powermeter-l64.zip
830b30db30b3646b68 edf689b262591fddd7f7a7 powermeter-w32.zip
3169b78bca55fd3f6a1 2d6d61e71f156b7ff4bff powermeter-w64.zip

File's hash:MD5::.

ac45fd323e2618f6d5 0d0a970f3edc4c powermeter-l32.zip
102c15770482041359 151e5b076d3636 powermeter-l64.zip
b4d85e75ad420a6410 4826fb7fd01cf8 powermeter-w32.zip
43c400610f23a3b79d5 0d33b0c0e247d powermeter-w64.zip

Source Code

The source code is avaliable at git.luisvmf.com.

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